The most perfect pork roast to hit your holiday table! Roasting a pork leg is so easy and it fills the entire house with mouthwatering smells…

Serves: 10 Prep. time: 10′ Cooks in: 3:20′ Ready in: 3:30′

1 pork leg (4-5 kg)
1 cup whiskey
1 cup brandy
2 tbsp black peppercorns
3 bay leaves
1 bulb of garlic
2 large onions
a few cloves
5-6 celery sprigs
1 cup orange juice + a little zest
melted butter
1½ cup honey
salt, pepper

Step 1
Place meat in a large pot and cover with water. Allow to come to a boil and drain. Place again in a clean pot with fresh water. Take the cloves and stick the pointy ends into the onions and add them in the pan along with celery sprigs, peppercorns, bay leaves and peeled garlic bulb. Simmer on medium heat for 1½ hour, with lid on.

Step 2
Preheat oven at 180οC. Drain meat and reserve 2 cups of the boiling liquid. Transfer meat in an ovenproof baking pan. Brush pork with melted butter, season well with salt and pepper and drizzle with a mix of orange juice and zest with whiskey and brandy. Add reserved liquid and bake for 1 hour, basting the meat frequently with juices from the pan.

Step 3
Brush with honey and bake for another 30′ basting the meat frequently with juices from the pan. Serve with mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes.

Photo Konstantinos Kafiris – Food styling: Antonia Kati

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