A wonderfully tasty dish! However, if you really can’t stand the thought of the ink then just leave it out.

Serves: 4 Preparation: 15′ Cooks in: 1:20′ Ready in: 1:35′

1 kg cuttlefish, cleaned, but with the ink sacs reserved
3 onions, grated
1 kg fennel, finely chopped
6 garlic cloves
1 tsp pepper
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 glass sweet wine


Step 1
Put the ink in a glass with a little water. Leave for 30 minutes and then strain through a fine sieve in a bowl.

Step 2
In a large pan with heavy bottom heat olive oil. Add cuttlefish and cook until lightly golden. Stir in onion and garlic. Add a glass of water and ink and boil for 45 minutes until cuttlefish is tender.

Step 3
Season with pepper, stir in white wine and fennel. Cook for another 30 minutes.

Step 4
Season with a little salt and serve warm.

Photo George Drakopoulos – Food styling Tina Webb